Exporter’s catalogue
The premium class catalogue ‘Belarusian Exporters’ in the Russian and English languages contains the information about more than 2,000 Belarusian exporting enterprises.
The purpose of the publication is to provide the latest data on the enterprises operating in the Republic of Belarus, to help them find business-partners and to facilitate the establishing of contacts between the Belarusian and foreign business circles and the promotion of domestic enterprises to new markets.
The catalogue ‘Belarusian exporters':
- is published in Russian and English;
- has the circulation of 2.5 thousand copies;
- provides the latest data and the contacts of the enterprises;
- has a list of classification headings for convenient usage;
- is available online.
The catalogue is distributed among the target audience, which ensures that it reaches the ones interested directly. The publication is targeted to the Republican and local authorities, the diplomatic representation offices of the Republic of Belarus abroad and foreign embassies of our country, the regional branches of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, foreign partners of the Chamber, is distributed at the international exhibitions, in the course of the business communities and official delegations’ visits and meetings.
Information and publishing department
11, Kommunisticheskaya St., office 314, 220029, Minsk
Tel./fax: + 375 17 237 72 62